Your time is valuable here at Heartland Custom Homes. We know the reality that everyone doesn’t have sufficient time to take control of every bit of detail during the construction of a new home. When choosing our Heartland Custom Homes – A Better Home Program, we will provide you with a higher level of service so you could keep your eye on what is most necessary.
We begin by assessing the land in order to know the requirements and costs of site development. You get to select your custom home and add some personal touches to it while we do the rest for you.
The Course
- Site Visit Schedule. You will meet with the construction supervisor and have a site review at the location where the house is going to be built. You are going to talk about the requirements for site development starting from excavation until flatwork.
- Determining Development Costs. The construction supervisor will determine the costs after the site visit while you work with one of our Counselors to complete your plan, selections, and colours.
- Customizing the Floor Plan. After the 1st and 2nd course, our team for drafting the interior of your home will develop your customized floor plan.
- Ordering your Heartland Custom Homes home. Now, you have completed your home order.